Notes (GucioDevs) Mac OS

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OneDrive for Mac release notes (Deferred ring). We sent it to OS school and it came back a lean, mean, messaging machine. Some iPad users were experiencing an unresponsive OneDrive when coming back to the app - black screen, app crashes, the works. This has been fixed and the app will work as expected. Note: Each time period for each Mac OS X Version starts with the year the OS was released and ends with the year of the end of its support. This applies to OS X and macOS as well. Jaguar 2002–2006. In 2002, Mac OS X v10.2, code-named 'Jaguar', was released with a brand new logo. The logo was an 'X' that had a jaguar print instead of the.

Just because you use a Macintosh, don't think you're any more secure than a Wintel user.

MacOS Big Sur elevates the most advanced desktop operating system in the world to a new level of power and beauty. Experience Mac to the fullest with a refined new design. Enjoy the biggest Safari update ever. Discover new features for Maps and Messages. And get even more transparency around your privacy. Create a checklist in Notes for Mac OS X. Open the Notes application and either create a new note or select an existing one To add a checklist, click the (V) circle check box in the applications toolbar Type more checklist items by typing and clicking go back, press go back twice to exit, and finish creating checklist items.

Mari0 (itch) mac os. A sharp increase in the number of flaws being discovered in Mac OS X suggests that the Apple operating system may soon be every bit as prone to malicious attacks as Windows systems, according to a report from the SANS Institute, a Bethesda, Md.-based security training and research firm.

Mac OS X still remains safer than Windows because its relatively small installed base is a less attractive target for malicious hackers than Windows systems. But the number of flaws being discovered in the operating system is leaving its reputation as a secure alternative to Windows 'in tatters,' according to the semiannual update to the SANS Top 20 list of Internet vulnerabilities.

'Users often feel invincible when they have their shiny silver-colored Apple and they are surfing the Web with it,' said Ed Skodis, a director at SANS. That may be a mistake, he said, because 'there's a significant amount of research going on for security vulnerabilities in the Mac OS.'

About 52 vulnerabilities were discovered in Mac OS X in 2005; 17 have been uncovered so far this year, said Amol Sarwate, manager of the vulnerability management lab at Qualys Inc., a Redwood Shores, Calif.-based security service provider.

The number of vulnerabilities reported last year was more than twice the number from 2004, when 24 flaws were discovered, Sarwate said. Out the flaws uncovered last year and so far in 2006, at least a third were considered critical, Sarwate said. During the past few months, users of Apple's Safari Web browser also faced their first zero-day attack, which is an attack targeted at unpatched vulnerabilities.

Apple's increasing market share and the company's recent decision to build its systems around Intel Corp. chips have drawn increased hacker attention to its system, Skodis said. Similarly, Apple's recent introduction of Boot Camp, which allows Intel-based Macs to run Windows XP, has also raised its risk profile, Skodis said. Though Windows XP runs in a separate partition on the Mac hard drive, it's only a matter of time before malicious code becomes available that is capable of jumping over the two partitions on the hard drive, Skodis said. 'It wouldn't be hard to do,' he said.

At the same time, there appears to be a significant decline in vulnerabilities being reported in Windows services such as Internet Information Server, mail services and NetBIOS, Sarwate said. But that decline has been offset by a sharp increase in client-side flaws, including the Windows Metafile flaw (WMF) and Internet Explorer (IE) vulnerabilities, Sarwate said.

In fact, the emergence of several zero-days flaws in IE — including one that is currently unpatched — poses a major security risk for Windows users, said Rohit Dhamankar, manager of security research at the TippingPoint division of 3Com Corp.

Increasingly, zero-day flaws on Microsoft Corp. client systems are being used to install adware, spyware and other kinds of malicious code on end-user systems, he said. As a result, he said it may be time to rename IE 'to ‘Internet Exploiter,' because the chances of you being exploited using IE are much higher' these days, said Dhamanker, who is also the editor of the SANS Top 20 report.

The SANS study also showed that while Firefox continues to be a somewhat safer Web browser than IE, it is no panacea. According to SANS, users of Firefox and Mozilla have had to patch 11 vulnerabilities that can be exploited by a malicious Web page to run code over the past six months, in addition to several other critical vulnerabilities.

The SANS report also found an increase in vulnerabilities allowing direct access to databases, data warehouses and backup data, especially software from Oracle Corp. And SANS found a continuing increase in file-based attacks, particularly those using media and image files, such as the WMF. 'In addition, we have seen a major upsurge in attacks using flaws in programs that process media files, such as Apple QuickTime/iTunes, Windows Media Player, RealNetworks RealPlayer, Macromedia Flash Player and Nullsoft Winamp,' the report said.

The best note taking apps for Mac – markdown, open format, cross platform

Notes (guciodevs) mac os x

Published (updated: ) in Productivity.

With the release of iOS 9 and OS X 10.11 in 2016, Apple introduced a new version of Notes. It added a number of new features for formatting, drawing and sync using iCloud instead of via IMAP. It was lightweight, fast and simple. I started using it shortly afterwards and now have almost 1,000 notes ranging from book highlights to saved web pages to meeting notes to journal articles.

Unfortunately, the iOS 13 and macOS 10.15 releases have been incredibly buggy. I have found that sync is inconsistent across devices (my MacBook, iPad and iPhone each register different numbers of notes) and some notes are not syncing at all. Search also stopped working before fixing itself, and now returns inferior results.

Considering how much information I have stored in Apple Notes, this made me reconsider what I wanted from a note taking app.

Requirements for a note taking app


I only require basic formatting, images and tables. I'm not interested in fancy fonts or colours because the system is better at ensuring the formatting works across devices, screen sizes and rendering into the future e.g. if I ever need to increase font sizes. This means using Markdown formatting saved to a plain text file. Markdown is a well understood format that has many apps that can edit and render on any platform

Non-proprietary format

Headcase mac os. The 'new' Apple Notes app moved away from IMAP to an iCloud based format. This made sync work better (until recently) but was necessarily a proprietary database format. I can't easily see or edit the individual notes on disk to make backups or import to another app. They are contained in a SQL Lite database in ~/Library/Group Containers/ alongside attachments and images organised by internal note IDs. It's usually dangerous to meddle with app files like this.

Apple Notes doesn't have an export option except individual notes as PDFs. The only way around this is using the Apple Privacy data download service which allows you to export Apple Notes as HTML with their associated attachments. This is how I have been keeping a backup of all my Apple Notes to date.

Ideally the app will allow editing of individual files on disk. I can then choose my own sync service and run backup as part of my normal approach using Arq. Any app should at least allow export of content to multiple formats.

Regular updates / actively maintained

The problem with Apple software is that their main revenue is generated by the core OS, not any of the apps. They are there to compliment the OS but there is no competitive incentive to keep them up to date, add new features and fix bugs.

The annual update cycle is a legacy from the old days of shipping physical software. This makes sense for annual iPhone hardware refreshes but is totally outdated for shipping software. Microsoft updates Office every month and Windows every 6 months. How do you report bugs or get support for Apple Notes? You can't.

My experience with the poor quality of these latest Apple releases has changed my approach – if I am going to rely on software then I want the developer to be properly incentivised to maintain it i.e. I need to pay them directly for it.

This is one reason why I use and pay for 1Password vs using Apple iCloud Keychain (as well as all the other features 1Password has). It's also why I don't mind the move to subscription business models for software.


My approach to note taking is to save the full text and associated files of things I find interesting or useful so I can search them in the future.

Spotlight Search on macOS is very good (and has some advanced options). Even though I keep my files well organised, I regularly use it to find things because it is quicker and searches inside documents. For some reason, Apple Notes are not searchable from Spotlight though, so I have to search twice – in Spotlight and in I would prefer to have everything searchable from Spotlight, or any other search tool.


This is not a requirement but rather a 'nice to have' if the app I use on macOS also has an iOS equivalent. If all the above requirements are met, I can easily edit open file formats from different apps on different platforms.

My Macbook Air (13″ 2018) is only a year old so I have no plans to replace it soon, although have had to send it in for 1 keyboard replacement already. I don't mind the feel of this keyboard but the reliability is poor.

Given the state of Apple software quality and the general problems with the Macbook keyboards, I have been following Microsoft's Surface products with interest. The Surface Laptop 3 is very nice. I've been into the London Microsoft store to have a play and I'm eager to see the Surface Pro X when it is released. I'm just unsure about Windows. Over a decade ago it was Windows Vista that forced me to move to Mac due to the poor quality. I'm not quite there with macOS yet but am unhappy with it.

Evaluating note taking apps

All together I have been re-evaluating my choice of key software to ensure that I'm tied to the Apple ecosystem as little as possible. I already use Office365 for my email and calendar but have also started to move my files to OneDrive from iCloud Drive (I'm glad I didn't try the recent macOS betas!). What's the difference? I pay Microsoft for these services and they are regularly updated (unlike iCloud for Windows) and maintained, probably because they directly generate $billions of direct revenue.

Ultimately, my goal is to be flexible in which platform I use, selected based on the best core OS and hardware. I don't want to be restricted by apps and file formats that only work on a single platform. macOS remains the best OS for now (including for privacy) but I don't want to be locked to it.

My recommended note taking apps

Based on reviewing all the apps below, these are the best notes apps for Mac:

  1. Bear: Simple, well designed UI, actively maintained, markdown export but proprietary database. Mac / iOS only.
  2. iA Writer with your own cloud drive (I use OneDrive). Edits files on disk in Markdown format with simple, well designed apps for macOS, Windows, Android and iOS.
  3. VS Code with several markdown extensions (see below). If you are a developer and comfortable with a more technical interface, and/or already using VS Code, then this is a great third choice to avoid installing yet-another-app.


Bear was my favourite app purely for Apple devices. Good tag support, Markdown rendering, strong search (including Spotlight integration), encrypted notes, embedded images and attachments, and multiple export options. I particularly liked the helper mechanism when linking between notes, which maintains the link even if you rename a note.

It is fully supported and actively developed for the Apple ecosystem. The entire company is based around the product and has a subscription business model, suggesting they are likely to be able to keep things going. The iOS and iPad apps work well and sync across from my Mac was always reliable. It actually uses iCloud behind the scenes which makes Apple Notes failure to sync more unusual.

Bear would be my recommendation for someone who was happy with staying on Mac/iOS. If needed, you can export to various different formats. I used it for a whole month (which is the length of the free trial – sync is not available in the free version) and it worked well.

The main reason I decided not to continue using it is that Bear uses a proprietary data format so it can sync with iCloud. This makes sense because their time is better spent on the app functionality rather than making cloud sync work, but I ultimately decided that I valued having open, plain text files more than the extra functionality. If I do eventually move to Windows then I would be unable to move my notes easily. Having an open format was the key to selecting iA Writer instead.

iA Writer

Although not designed for note taking, last year iA Writer added support for #hashtags (but only on Mac, not Windows) which makes it much more suitable as a notes app.

I really like the UI on macOS because it fits in perfectly with the system design guidelines. It is very lightweight, simple to use and fits all my criteria for editing files on disk with Markdown. It is very minimalist with few settings, forcing you to focus on the task at hand. There are also apps for macOS, Windows, iOS and Android.

iA Writer does not support attachments and the embedded image support is limited, but that actually forces you to store those files on disk (so files like PDFs can be searched by Spotlight and edited directly e.g. for highlighting, which doesn't work if you open PDFs from within a Bear note). Naming becomes important for binary files like images so they can be properly searched.

If you use iA Writer on iOS with iCloud then deals with sync for you but there is a limitation with using external file sources such as OneDrive – you have to manually find and add files into the app to edit them, which is a hassle. Otherwise, files are stored on disk and so I can sync them with OneDrive and run my normal backups. Since they are plain text Markdown, I can edit them in any app.

I would like to see the ability to nest tags and add emoji to them, plus helpers for Markdown formatting e.g. linking to other notes and improved image support. However, those limitations are minor enough to overlook and pick iA Writer as my Apple Notes replacement.

VS Code + Markdown extensions

VS Code supports markdown out of the box, including with a live preview, however there are several extensions which add extra functionality.

The final plugin is the crucial one because it allows me to take advantage of organising my notes by tag. Of course, VS Code's command bar is excellent at search so I could just navigate files by name (or text search), but it is sometimes useful to be able to see and view all associated notes in a list.

Unfortunately, the tag format supported by iA Writer – #hashtags – is not part of the Markdown format. Instead you will need to use the Markdown metadata format by including tags in a YAML block at the start of each file. The advantage of using this format is that it is generally supported by other Markdown parsers, so if I wanted to switch to something new in the future there is a greater chance of it being supported with no changes.

VS Code does use Electron behind the scenes. However, unlike many Electron apps, VS Code ties into the native UX of the OS it is running on and has acceptable performance. This is a rare example of a well-built Electron app, most of which are slow and buggy.

Other note taking apps I tried


Years ago this was the first notes app I ever used, however it was notoriously buggy and I gave up. The company has been through some challenging times but still uses a proprietary note format and database, which rules it out. I didn't bother to try it because of the history of poor quality software.


Notable is still very early in development, and the rough edges show e.g. when copy/pasting it would paste text 3 times. It also uses Electron and has many weird UI elements showing through the cross-platform layer, for example the popover menus for attachments don't have the same behaviour as menus should on macOS.

The management of attachments was not as good as Typora – it would copy them to an ‘attachments' directory but the management of those files was very basic. Removing the attachment from the note did not delete it on disk.

Notes (guciodevs) Mac Os Download

This app is too early to take over such an important use case and has no clear business model yet (donations and a pending application to Y Combinator).


Obsidian fits all the requirements – simple, works with Markdown and cross-platform.

It supports #hashtags, but they are shown in order of number of items rather than alphabetically and strangely there is no way to change the order.

It has some good functionality around linking to other notes and backlinks so you can see which notes reference each other. This makes it more like an organiser than a simple Markdown editor.

The app is nicely designed, but uses Electron so is slow to launch and doesn't fit into the native OS design as nicely as Bear or iA Writer. When you are using an app regularly, performance and UI consistency matters.


Included with my Office365 subscription, OneNote has been improving rapidly and now has a much simpler UI and fast sync. One of the great features is character recognition in images, allowing them to be searched as if they were in plain text.

Notes can only be in a single section or Notebook (like Apple Notes) whereas I feel that tags are more flexible approach to organising things. OneNote supports tags but they are hard coded to specific types, which suggests there's still a lot of legacy cruft still behind the scenes.

OneNote on the web looks good with the new simplified UI and the Mac app also works nicely, particularly with dark mode. However, compared to all the other notes apps it is always slow to launch. I find this lag exists with all Microsoft apps on Mac – they are very heavyweight.

Using it with Office365 creates the Notebook file in your OneDrive but this is just a URL file that opens the web UI when you load it. There's no actual content in the file which means that OneNote is using a proprietary database behind the scenes.

Although OneNote is a regularly updated application that works cross-platform (and has a decent app for iOS as well), the lack of open file format means I can't back up the files and extract my data whenever I want. Like Apple Notes, there is no export functionality. I don't want to move from Apple's proprietary format to Microsoft's, so this rules it out.


Typora was promising because it is a good Markdown editor with cross-platform apps that manages files on disk. I particularly liked how it managed attachments for notes, creating a .assets folder with the same name as the parent note. However, it doesn't have very advanced file management features for the library/list of notes and there's no support for tags.

It also uses Electron and I really hate Electron based apps. They remind me of Java apps that almost get the native OS style right, but not quite. They feel brittle, tend to have poor performance and I found that Typora was buggy (the macOS version is in beta). I understand why developers use Electron because it allows you to build cross-platform apps using web technologies, but I've had bad experiences with them e.g. the poor performance of Slack.

Worth a mention

  • Inkdrop is an app I've heard about because of the blogging of its main (Japan-based) developer. It fits most of my requirements and the UI looks great, but uses a proprietary format rather than files on disk. The format is JSON and you can set up your own CouchDB server to run the sync services, but that isn't something I'm interested in doing.
  • nvALT hits all of my requirements except tag support, but is quite an old app (and looks it). The UI is why I excluded it, but I am keeping an eye on nvUltra which is the replacement in active beta now. It's not open for public use at time of writing so I couldn't try it yet. Since it supports Markdown, when it is released I will just be able to point it to the files I'm editing.
  • Scrivener might be great for complex writing projects but it is far too sophisticated for a notes app.
  • Simplenote is worth a look because they have well maintained apps and Markdown editing available for free. I excluded it because of the proprietary database format but generally like what Automattic do.
  • Standard Notes looks interesting because it pledges privacy and longevity with how it manages your notes files. It has options to store attachments in Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive as well as automated backups there, but ultimately stores notes in a proprietary format (even if that format is open and you can run your own server because the code is open source). It doesn't use simple plain text files on the filesystem which is one of my requirements (and the desktop apps are Electron) – I don't really want to be messing around running my own server and MySQL database for notes. Potential option for power users but not what I'm looking for.
  • Trilium Notes is another Electron app which is built around a hierarchical structure so you can build your own personal knowledgebase, whatever that means. It requires running a server, or has an unsupported Mac app. This makes it too complex for my requirements given the suitable alternatives above.

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Notes (guciodevs) Mac Os 11

See also

  • A review of note taking apps for iOS/Mac from 2019.
  • Another review of note taking apps but from 2017.
  • A list of all text editors for iOS.
  • 9to5Mac on the best note-taking apps for Mac in 2019.

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